Trail Information
Départ et arrivée du trail (Google map): Verbier Médran Station
Kilomètres: 18.05 km
Ascension: 1260m
Difficulté: Medium (T2)
Matériel: Sac à dos, laisse, longes, harnais
Lien carte intéractive de l'itinéraire (Alltrails) :

Starting the trail
The trail starts at the central square of Verbier. From there, we have to follow the path going to "Chez Danny". That's where the ascent starts. The first part of the trail is in the village of Verbier and continues through the forest under the Médran cable cars. Once out of the village, the dogs can be set loose. We just need to be careful with mountain bikes or skiers who can also use the path.
At the Ruinettes
Once we arrived at the Ruinettes, the road becomes steeper and more rocky. In summer, we can chose to follow the path or cut across the field known as the Attelas.
The climb to the top of Attelas is about 1260 meters, but is worth the breathtaking view on Verbier and the Lac des Vaux when arriving a the top.
It's time to go back down. Before running back downhill, we will stop for a little break at the Lac des Vaux for the dogs to rest and drink a little (and us too!). For this part of the trail, we could run all the way down. On some parts of the descent, the road is even flat enough to run normally.
With the dogs:
For this hike, the dogs can be set loose most of the time. There is not edgy or dangerous path during this trails. We are very careful regarding VTT that can come out of nowhere. One thing we did with our first dog, is to attach long rope that drags on the ground so we could step in it to secure the dog. For this kind of long outing, our canine educator recommended us to make breaks of 10 to 20 minutes every hour so that the dogs can recover before leaving.
Make it easier
To reach the Lac des Vaux by an easier route, we could take the gondola from Médran to Ruinettes. This will allow us to avoid a part of the climb and still reach the highest point with its breathtaking view. The trail will then be only 13.5 km, with an ascent of 554 meters.
What we take with us
We always take with us:
Salomon running gilet
Enough water for us and the dogs
A windbreaker as mountains can always be surprising
Snack bars
For the dogs, we usually have:
Feces bags
Long leash
Portable bowl for water or food